cocktail receipts creating and sharing platform
Curricular project of Interaction Programming and the Dynamic Web at KTH.
– A web-based platform for cocktail lovers for search, collect, create and share cocktail recipes.
– Related Technologies: AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Twitter Bootstrap.
– Participated in sketches and front-end programming.
Yocktail is a web-based platform for users to:
search and browse different recipes of different cocktails
create and share their own cocktail recipes
Our project on github: sourcecode
The executable website: website
(But due to the problem with the Absolut Drinks Database API (http://addb.absolutdrinks.com/docs/), in order to make the website work, please install a chrome extension: Allow-Control-Allow-Origin , or “Disable Cross-Origin Restriction” in the “Develop” option in the menu of Safari browser.)