Interactive Map
Video Prototype
Young people who use this map to plan a trip to meet their friends. They are passionate about modern technology and they use it a lot.
Our video youtube links: website
- 22 years old
- single, designer,social type.
- She use mobile app to plan her trip to meet her friends.
- She always forget things!
- 23 years old.
- Parisien, single, developer
- She uses mobile app to plan his trip to meet his friends. She has a smart watch
Marie (extreme character)
- 29 years old -- busy woman
- When meeting with friends, she is always interrupted by other things
- She is a mystery woman: she need to have privacy
Design Problem
When users are on the way for the reunion, they don’t know where their friends are , or when their friends will arrive.
App shows others’ route and their current location. Show alternative paths
Real-time location data is updated, users can be informed in time
Users can chat in this app.
Design Concept
When users are on the way for the reunion, they don’t know where their friends are , or when their friends will arrive.
Design Diagram
Search for destination & time
Share with friends
Choose friends and create group
Real-time location is showed
Friends add route before go to destination
Friends accept sharing
People chat
if user change his/her route,thisinformation
would be shared updated and shared with others
Others get notified
· Be changed and new feature are added.
· A richer scenario with new extreme character and 2 personas is created.
· More interaction points / interface are added for improvement and for
extreme character.
· Breakdown situation considered.
· Previous extreme character doesn’t fit well.
· No breakdown situation.
Realized Function:
· Friends could share their real-time position and route.( or hide it if they want)
· Situations of breakdowns are considered.
Limitation & Future Work:
· The function of showing the update arrival time could be added.
· We didn’t create a function to schedule the travel time.
· Other interaction style could be added, like voice interaction.